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naarm/Melbourne Breathwork

  • Nayri Niara 6 Evans Street Hobart Australia (map)

Event Details
Date: Friday evening 4th November, 2022 7:00-9:00 p.m. & All Day Saturday 5th October 2022. 8:45a.m to 7:00p.m
Location: 2 Minona St, Hawthorn Australia, 3122
Price: $295 (Full) / $255 (Concession)

Bookings please go to:

What will the workshop cover?
Friday Opening Circle
The workshop includes an opening circle on the Friday evening with an opportunity to meet the other participants in the workshop, hear a brief introduction to the practice of Holotropic Breathwork as well as the chance to choose a partner for the following day's breathwork session. The Friday evening session is also a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding Holotropic Breathwork. A small ceremony / ritual / experiential exercise will also be a part of the opening circle.

Saturday - Two Breathwork sessions
The Saturday includes a morning and an afternoon breathwork session, where you will participate as a breather in one of the sessions and also sit for your partner in the other session.
Mandala, integration and sharing.
After each session there is the opportunity to start the integration process by creating a mandala / artwork of your experience. We will close the Saturday with a closing sharing circle where participants will have the chance to share the experience of their breathwork session.

New breathers and people new to Melbourne Breathwork workshops
Participants who are new to breathwork, will need to have a phone conversation with one of our facilitators so we can cover some introductory information covering Holotropic Breathwork as well as a chance for the participant to share any relevant information regarding previous experience of Holotropic breathwork or other practices. Please note: The introductory phone call can take between 30 minutes to one hour. Please get in contact with either Anthony or Ruth using the details listed below.

What to bring?
A loose single bed sheet
A fitted single bed sheet
Blanket / Doona
Lunch (There are kitchen facilities on site and we ask that participants remain in the venue for the duration of the Saturday workshop)

A note about doing this work in a time of Covid:
We want to acknowledge that over the last year our expectations have changed in regards to working closely with others and that this workshop will follow social distancing and sanitisation protocols where necessary.

As a part of this:
We will have skin friendly hand sanitizer available.We also ask you maintain social distancing during the breaks.
During the breathwork it will be the same procedure as those that do contact sports where participants and facilitators may come into close contact with each other at varying times. You are welcome to bring a mask if this feels important to you.

2 days prior to the workshop we will ask that you complete the medical form which will include questions regarding your recent health, any potential contact with people with corona virus etc.
Depending on government requirements at the time we may need to also check vaccination status for the event. While we recognise that this is not ideal, we are committed to maintaining compliance with government regulation in these matters.

You can also book Integration sessions with either Ruth or Anthony post the workshop via their websites.


Anthony -

22 October

October Breathwork Workshop

9 November

3-Day Urban Retreat